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  Known superhuman powers:

Moonstar is a mutant who has the psionic ability to create three-dimensional images of the greatest fears and desires a person may have.  These images can be seen by everyone in their vicinity.

At first,  she could not control her image projecting power and would draw and project images without tryig to. She has since gained control through training and maturity.

Moonstar can now cause her three-dimensional images to become tangible entities of psionic force.

She can now create "psionic arrows" of psionic energy, which she can fire from bows as if they were material objects. She can also create the bow out of psionic energy.  She can use these psionic  arrows to cause a victim to feel intense emotional pain connected with an event he or she remembers. She can also use the arrows to paralyze  her victim's brain, rendering them unconscious.

Moonstar can also project images of objects of fear or desire from the minds of  animals, but only the animal from which she derives the image will be able to see it.

Dani  can establish a telepathic rapport with higher animals, including primates, felines, birds, wolves,  and her Asgardian winged horse Darkwind, enabling her to sense their emotions and perceive images in their minds. Dani  can communicate telepathically with her friend and former  New Mutant Wolfsbane when  Wolfsbane is  in her transitional half-lupine form or has transformed into a wolf.

Dani was once endowed with the Valkyrie power to perceive and sense the coming of death. She could perceive a "deathglow" surrounding a person in serious danger of dying.   She has not been shown using these Valkyrie abilities since her exile from Asgard and has  lost them. 

Recently Dani's powers have taken a new turn after an encounter with the reality warping mutant, Arcadia. As a result of this encounter, Dani could now tap into the Quantum Energy that exists in the universe and alter matter at a molecular level. This ability was removed from during X-Force 100 when the powers of the 'Mirage', 'Valkyrie' and 'MLF' Dani's were reabsorbed and the cosmic  Dani helped to defeat Arcadia and because of not being reabsorbed its abilities were lost to Dani though the 'Cosmic' Dani was vital to the victory.

Beginning during the period when the High Evolutionary removed the powers of mutants, Dani reported that hers were actually changing. The outcome of this seems to be a melding of her mirages and the deathglow of the Valkyrior. Dani can sense and then display the events of a person's death. The drawback to this ability is Dani then experiences the person's death and feels their physical and emotional trauma.

***The above powers have been taken from www.x-men.com and the pages of X-Force and X-Men***