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New Mutants: Dani was one of the founding members of the New Mutants along with Karma, Sunspot, Wolfsbane, and Cannonball. Though over the years they would come to odds, they along with Magik, Magma, Cypher and Warlock were always there should one of them call to the others in times of need. At the very end of Dani's time with the New Mutants, Rictor Boom Boom, Rusty and Skids joined their ranks.


X-Men: While the X-Men have undergone several roster changes since their return to Xavier's and finding the New Mutants in residence, Dani counts the older 'class' of students among her friends despite periodic differences that have arisen over the years, as a student and as a member of the MLF.


X-Force: Though made up of many of her of former New Mutants teammates, X-Force was brought together by Cable and battled against the MLF of which Dani was a member, under the name of Moonstar. The team has been made up over the years by Cannonball, Sunspot, Warpath, Rictor, Meltdown, Siryn, Shatterstar, Feral, Domino, Caliban, Cable and Jesse Bedlam, Despite her affiliation with the MLF, Dani called upon members of X-Force when she needed aid and assisted them on atleast one occasion.





Valkyrie: Dani has the distinction of having been chosen by one of the winged steeds of the Valkyrie and by Odin's law becoming one of their number. While Dani chose to remain in Asgard to help repair the damage caused by Hela, at some point after that she was cast out from Asgard though the reasons remain unknown. While Dani appeares to no longer be one of the Valkyrior after this, several times the Valkyrie have come to her aid or asked for her aid, including entrusting her with their 'Heart'. Whatever resulted in her return to Earth from Asgard, relations with the Valkyrie themselves does not seem to have been altered and Dani still carries Asgardian blood within her veins.


Rahne Sinclair: Youngest of the New Mutants, Dani is tied to the young Scot's girl through the telepthic bond they share when Rahne is in either her wolf or transitional form. The bond in a sense makes them soul mates open to each other during the period when their minds are linked. The bond is so strong that during one occasion when Rahne was hurt while visiting Muir Island in Scotland, Dani experienced the pain back at Xavier's School in New York.



Sam Guthrie: Dani's former co-leader of the New Mutants and now X-Force. The two have always complimented each other as people and as leaders.  Sam the outgoing people person while Dani the tactician and strategist.


Roberto Da Costa: From two totally different worlds, Dani and Roberto have always been close despite their own fiery tempers. The friendship that has grown between the two has not only taken them to Asgard and back three times but also to Valhalla itself. Their friendship also is the reason Dani joined with the MLF after her return to Earth from Asgard, believing Reignfire to be Roberto he came to her when in her own words 'I fell screaming from the skies, an angel cast out if a heaven I didn't belong in. I've held Life in my hands, I've stares Death in the face. I got tired of never knowing which was the better alternative...until HE showed me the way.'


James Proudstar:  While the Apache, James Proudstar is included in several areas of this section, he also deserves his own entry. Dani and Jimmy, as Thunderbird II, first met as rival team leaders of the New Mutants and Hellions. And while there was no attraction evident in their first encounters, NM 53-54 showed a budding relationship developing. However, with Dani's decision to remain in Asgard after the second New Mutant trip this relationship seems to have been forgotten. While the two now serve together as part of X-Force no mention or even hint of the previous relationship has ever been made.


Brightwind: One of the winged steeds of the Valkyrie. Dani bonded to the stallion and became one of their number after rescuing him from a mud pit and hunters. When Dani returned to Earth the stallion accompanied her, saving her a few times when their link notified her of danger. When Dani was changed by Hela's magic, so too was Brightwind. And while a winged horse named Darkwind accompanied her after her return and was later killed by Reignfire there is a chance this was not the same steed, however small.